
Virtual reality to check the driving ability of seniors – The Times Hub

December 4, 2021

In South Korea, the National Police Agency wants to test people over 65 from 2025.

Video games, training of airplane pilots or treatment of phobias… Today, virtual reality (VR) is widely used, but a new method will arrive in 2025 in South Korea. Thanks to VR headsets, the National Police Agency wants to test people over 65 to see if they are still able to get behind the wheel. According to the national news agency Yonhap News, all the senses will be combed through: driving skills, cognitive abilities, memory or attention. For now, the precise content of the test has not yet been released by the authorities.

From next year and for three years, they will carry out a study to create the most relevant and efficient test possible. In all, 1.2 billion won (900,000 euros) will be allocated to this unique plan and it is even expected to reach 3.6 billion won (2.7 million euros). If the test goes into effect, new rules could be implemented in Korean law in 2025. Among them, a medical visit with exams involving virtual reality would become mandatory for the elderly.

This initiative follows a 2018 study carried out by the country’s police. It shows that out of 10,000 South Korean drivers, seniors were 1.86 times more involved in road accidents than those in their thirties. South Korea also faces a steady growth in the number of people aged 65 and over, currently accounting for 16.5% of the total population.


Author: Virtual reality